Ultra-Easy Home Brewed Sparkling Cider

This is too easy and obvious for a formal recipe, so just follow along.
By / Photography By | September 15, 2014


  • natural, unfiltered, organic apple juice, like Knudsen’s
  • ½ of a grated organic apple, skin and all
  • glass jar with lid


You’ll need some natural, unfiltered, organic apple juice, like Knudsen’s. Pour some out for space, then add ½ of a grated organic apple, skin and all. Leave the lid off for 12 hours.

After that put the lid on loosely. Put the jar in a shallow pan to catch any drips.

After a few days the bubbling will begin.

You must taste the brew every 12 hours or so. It will start out flat and sweet, progress to sparkly and sweet, then super sparkly and sweet-sour, then to flat, sour and more alcoholic. The sweeter the brew, the less alcohol.

When the flavor is to your liking, chill and serve over ice.

Surprise … you’re a cider home brewer!


  • natural, unfiltered, organic apple juice, like Knudsen’s
  • ½ of a grated organic apple, skin and all
  • glass jar with lid